The Belgian National Lottery, known as Loterie Nationale, has teamed up with Kambi Group, a betting solutions provider, and TG LAB, an omnichannel betting platform provider, to bring back its Scooore sports betting brand.
Scooore will make use of the modular platform offered by TG LAB and integrate Kambi’s sports betting services.
The relaunch comes after a multi-year agreement was signed by TG LAB to become the reliable platform technology partner for Loterie Nationale’s sports betting operations.
Last fall, Kambi signed a similar agreement with the lottery company, with its sports betting solutions covering Scooore’s online and physical operations in Belgium.
Scooore was first introduced in 2012 and has over 300 retail sports betting locations across Belgium, while the brand also has a strong online presence in the nation.
“The National Lottery is thrilled to collaborate with Kambi and TG LAB to reintroduce its sports betting offering through its Scooore brand; we anticipate achieving success together,” stated Jannie Haek, CEO of Loterie Nationale.
Scooore is making a comeback and will be a key supporter of the Belgian national squad ahead of the 2020 European Football Championship.
“We’ve joined forces with Kambi to create a truly exceptional online sports betting platform for Scooore, which will enable it to become more competitive in the Belgian market,” stated Ugnius Simelionis, the head of TG LAB.
“The lottery company has bold ambitions to expand its sports betting operations, and we’re excited to utilize the strength and adaptability of the Kambi sports betting platform to assist them in realizing these goals,” remarked Kristian NylĂ©n, the leader of Kambi.
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